Debtor Anonymous

Debtor Anonymous, a support group for those addicted to overspending, model after the Alcoholics Anonymous program, has its own 12 step program to recovery from chronic debt.  There is no fee to join the program.

The voluntarily organization is composed of 513 US and overseas group.

The first step is to track all your spending for 90 days.  At the end of the 90 days, a new member is paired with two veterans who help devise a spending plan.  The new member learns how to set aside funds for predictable expenses, like rent and car payments.

The program also helps those who are compulsive shopping.  Basically those that cure their bad days with a shopping spree.  They are though to call their designated mentors on bad days to avoid the shopping outlet.

Learning to live without relying on unsecured debt, such as credit cards, is a tenet of Debtor Anonymous (DA).  DA can be a lifesaver, if done right, say consumer finance experts.