Bank Levy

What is a bank levy you ask.  Levying on a bank account is a process whereby you can take funds from someone’s bank that owes you money.  The amount that you can take is limited by the amount that you have a Judgment for and how much is actually in the bank account at the time you do your bank levy.

For example, if you have a judgment for $2,000.00 and there is $2,500.00 in the bank account at the time of levy then $2,000.00 is taken.  If for example, you have a judgment for $2,000.00 and there is only $500.00 in the bank account then you only get $500.00.  However, you can do as many bank levies until you satisfy your judgment.

What is needed to get do a bank levy is first a Judgment.  Once a Judgment has been awarded, you need to get a Writ of Execution which cost $25.00 in Los Angeles.  You then take the Writ of Execution and give it to the sheriff, along with the Marshall’s Instruction and a check for $30.00 for each bank levy attempt.

All this assume that you have banking information on the person you are trying to levy upon.  Banking information means, their bank.  This can be obtain from previous checks that they have paid you with, where they cashed your checks that you tendered to them, if credit application or references that they have provided to you.